Developing Sprinters and Hurdlers | ICE Education
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Developing Sprinters and Hurdlers

Zoom Webinar

with Martin Brockman

Dates & Venues

    This is the first session in a series of webinars by Martin Brockman, former international Decathlete and innovative coach educator.  All have been extensively tested and refined within the school situation. Each will cover a different dimension of Track and Field Athletics, explaining how these activities can be presented to children to ensure both engagement and progress.  They are suitable for teachers and coaches, and cover all content required for GCSE PE practical Athletics.

    • Sprinting skills: Top drills for developing sprinting technique
    • Sprint starts and accelerations: Principles of accelerations and setting the sprint start
    • Hurdles Technique: Hurdle rhythm and lead and trail leg technique
    • Incorporating sprinting within class lessons 

    SPECIAL OFFER: Book all three Athletic Webinars: Developing Sprinters and Hurdlers 6th May / Mastering the Jumping Events 13th May / Teaching the Throwing Events 20th May for a discounted price.

    INDIVIDUAL: £199 or SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION: £429 (log in on up to 5 separate devices). If you would like to take advantage of this special offer then please call the office on 015395 60060 or email

    Course Leaders

    SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION  £149  (log in on up to five separate devices)  

    All prices exclude VAT

    Don’t forget schools can now reclaim the VAT on all our courses

    Zoom webinar runs 7-8.30pm. School subscription allows up to 5 members of staff. Recording available for 48 hours. All prices exclude VAT.