National Conference for Heads of Cricket in Schools
Monday, 17 March
at Pelham's, Lord’s Cricket Ground
Dates & Venues
Welcome to the second Annual Conference for Leaders of Cricket in Schools. Last year’s inaugural event brought together 100 heads of the game to consider the challenges facing schools, and an update on initiatives and opportunities at a national level.
This year’s event has similar objectives. The landscape of the game is changing, presenting emerging issues for schools and the people who manage the game in this environment.
Leading speakers will provide updates on Cricket developments and the impacts and opportunities that they present for schools. This will include the competition landscape, and the possibilities to become involved in other national initiatives.
The forum session will allow a chance to discuss issues relevant to all schools, and to share solutions and ideas.
The final session will provide coach education from the top of the contemporary game. Illustrated by video, it will show how top bowlers practice and how they seek to adapt their approaches specifically for the T20 game.
9.30 am. Conference assembles in Pelham Room. Refreshments
10.00 am. The Landscape of Contemporary School Cricket
Mark Semmence
Headmaster, Repton School, HMC Cricket Lead, MCC Committee
10.30 am
The ECB and School Cricket
11.15am. Refreshment Break
MCC Updates: opportunities for schools
Fraser Stewart, Head of Cricket
Emma Marsh, Women’s Cricket Manager
12.00 noon
National Boys U18 T20, National Girls 100-ball and other competitions.
Play Cricket, Wisden School Report, Schools’ Survey Results
Rob Morris
Administrator, Schools Cricket Committee
Discussion Forum: Issues in School Cricket
1.15 pm
Player Pathways
Preparing Bowlers for T20 Cricket
Jack Brooks
Surrey Bowling Coach
Conference Disperses
1 PLACE £219 (exc VAT)
2 PLACES £375 (exc VAT)
All prices exclude VAT
Don’t forget schools can now reclaim the VAT on all our courses
Price includes refreshments, lunch and resources. Excludes VAT. Please note that the Lord’s Pavilion has a Jacket and Tie or ladies’ equivalent Dress Code.
* Discount does not apply to PADSIS Conference or Gymnastics & Trampolining courses