RFU Under 18 Schools Champions Trophy
Please find details of the Under 18 Schools Cup Competition attached along with the dates for the completion of each round.
FORMAT (32 team knockout)
The competition will be open to Schools/Colleges in membership of the ERFSU, subject to the discretion of the Organising Committee.
Any educational establishments participating in the RFU AASE League will not be eligible to participate in the Competition.
Players must be under 18 years of age at Midnight on the 31 August/1 September 2015
Schools/Colleges may only select up to 3 players who were not in attendance at the school after 30th September 2014.
All other rules and regulations will be in line with the current NatWest Schools Cup competition regulations.
32 schools to be decided by a panel made up of 5 members. There will be one school representative from each region and it will be chaired by an independent person.
Any School/College that enter the One Term Cup will not be permitted to enter the U18 NatWest Schools Cup Competitions.
The draw will be devised on a regional basis in Round 1 (North&Mids, LSE&SW) and then redrawn after each round on a national basis to decide who is home and away.
All matches apart from the Final will be played at the ‘Home’ team venue.
The date and venue for the Final is still to be confirmed (dependent on the availability of a suitable venue).