Coaching School Tennis Face to Face Event Zoom Webinar This course is suitable for teachers with little experience of delivering Tennis sessions, who wish to embrace new approaches to enliven sessions and...
Edexcel A Level PE: Improving Extended and Synoptic Exam Responses With Tony Corcoran GCSE Simplified Zoom Webinar This webinar will focus on strategies for tackling the extended and synoptic 15 mark questions. It will look at the importance of linkage of the...
Becoming A Successful Head of PE With Will Swaithes Zoom Webinar This webinar workshop is designed for aspiring and newly appointed subject leaders for Physical Education to equip with the knowledge and skills to...
Cricket for Girls: Beginners' Cricket Coaching with a Soft Ball with Lydia Greenway OBE Zoom Webinar This course is ideal for teachers who are new to delivering Cricket sessions, and are working with inexperienced and younger players. No previous...
Cricket for Girls: Transitioning to the Hard Ball Game with Lydia Greenway OBE Zoom Webinar This course will provide inexperienced teachers with the skills and knowledge they need to guide players into playing the hard ball game. It is...
Developing Sprinters and Hurdlers with Martin Brockman Zoom Webinar This is the first session in a series of webinars by Martin Brockman, former international Decathlete and innovative coach educator. The webinar will...
EVC Training: Ensuring Compliance for Routine Visits with Everyday Risks with Paul Bond Zoom Webinar This webinar provides guidance on ensuring compliance through adopting standard operating procedures. This enables schools to adopt current policies...
Future Leadership in Education Zoom Webinar Leadership is a dimension of any role in Education that stimulates greater scrutiny with the ongoing fast paced changes in the current climate and...
Mastering the Jumping Events with Martin Brockman Zoom Webinar The is the second session in a series of webinars by Martin Brockman, former international Decathlete and innovative coach educator. This webinar...