PE In The Early Years | ICE Education
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PE In The Early Years

Zoom Webinar

With Lesley Minervini

Dates & Venues

    Movement is an essential dimension in the development of young children. This course is aimed at enhancing teacher knowledge of how this is most effectively presented and managed in the school setting. It is suitable for specialist and non-specialist teachers. It will provide an understanding of the relationship between physical development and social, cognitive and language education. Participants will be equipped with a wide range of activities, games and play environments through which pupils can develop, within a planning framework which enables all children to succeed. 

    This course will look at:

    • The place of Physical Development in Early Years.
    • Understanding the ways physical development underpins other areas of the Early Years Curriculum.
    • The importance of movement to young children.
    • Promoting purposeful play.
    • Practical ideas for teachers to deliver high quality movement education
    • Developmentally appropriate activities which enable children to reach their potential in PE.
    Course Leaders


    SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION £149  (Log in on up to five separate devices) 

    All prices exclude VAT

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    Zoom webinar runs 7pm to 8.30pm. School subscription allows up to 5 members of staff. Recording available for 48 hours. All prices exclude VAT.