Book Review by Neil Rollings

This is an ambitious book, which seeks to provide a “comprehensive modern guide” to this niche position, and is aimed at both players and coaches. Comprehensive is certainly the right word. No aspect of this position is left unconsidered, and the detail that is presented is considerable. The authors have pooled their considerable knowledge of this unique cricketing function to produce a guide that is both thorough and practical.
There is no doubt that this is a reference book of value for coaches at all levels of the game. It explains both the technical requirements of all aspects of the position, and suggests a range of practice activities – some more imaginative than others – by which all the required skills and qualities might be developed.
Whilst wicketkeeping probably features in most cricket coaching books, it is unlikely that the topic has ever been addressed in quite so much detail previously. As such, it undoubtedly fills an information gap which will guide the cricket coach who is keen to master all dimensions of the craft, and to provide meaningful, detailed guidance to the wicketkeeper.
As coach education materials have come to favour a video format, the traditional coaching “manual” has lost some traction. This is, however, a reminder that there should always be a place for a thorough mastery of any sporting niche, providing a level of detail that other media could not hope to match.