Book Review: 'The Power of Moments' by Chip and Dan Heath

This is an outstanding book, dedicated to investigating why some occasions in life have greater impact, and are more memorable. It considers the nature of the defining moments of life that stand out in the memory, and have increased significance. It also presents ideas for how these can be created and maximised.
The authors categorise four different types of special occasions. These are described as moments of elevation, insight, pride or connection. Each is considered in turn, with analysis of how they occur, the impact they have and the ways in which they might be encouraged. A series of stories and examples illustrate how brief experiences can change lives.
This book will be of interest to anyone involved in education. It presents a formula for increasing the impact of particular occasions, and making them more memorable. Many of the examples given from school settings, and others are readily translated into the education environment. No one will ever think about the start and end of term the same again, nor come away without new ideas for recognising achievement, or generating pride.
As with previous books by these authors, this is a quick read. It does, however, have a lasting impact.